This is the App of guitar chords library.
You can check the guitar chords and their sounds.
12 keys x 32 chords x 3 fingering positions are included.
This is simple and easy to use guitar chords App.
Recommended for beginners and all guitarists!
Use this App to improve your guitar practice, please.
●12 x 32 x 3 = 1152 guitar chord diagrams
12 keys x 32 chords are included.
Also, it includes 3 types of fingering positions (how to press down), so there are 1152 kinds of guitar chord diagrams.
●Check the chord sounds
You can check the sound by tapping or sliding strings.
(By tapping Star pick at the right of the screen, itll automatically sound the stroke tone.)
●For Left handed
This App supports lefty guitars (left handed guitars), also.
You can switch on the title screen.